Published on October 16, 2004 By Cotton Grower In Welcome
Welcome to my new site about cotton production in Marlboro County, S. C. This site will be a place where you can leave your thoughts fellow farmers as to what worked for you this year and what did not! If you know of someone that would be a good employee and you don't have a need ..... you could share the name, phone, etc. with the rest of us who might have a slot that needs to be filled. I also hope the site will be one to ask each other questions about growing cotton. At 59, I am not too old to learn and would guess you aren't either. The site could also be used to see if someone has an implement you're looking for or an old tractor, etc. Hope you will like the site and hope it proves to be beneficial to all.
on Oct 18, 2004
great idea John hope everyone finds out about this and utilizes
on Oct 18, 2004
John-Thanks for sending this to me. I hope your fellow farmers will utilize this for everyones benifit. It could sure be a great tool! Hope your yeilds are as good as what I have been hearing. What a Crop!!
on Oct 28, 2004
Thought for the day!

Poor John Kerry:
He throws away someone else's medals.
He drives someone else's SUV.
He marries someone else's wife.
And he inherits someone else's money.

I think we should all vote for him to be president of someone else's